J was fortunate to work with one of the smartest wholesale operations he visted in 2005 - the Flower Design Center in Fresno, California.

Left to right, Mae, J and Lisa. Mae and Lisa are the owners of this well run operation.


Amazing permanent Chocolate Poinsettias (left) went out the door as soon as they were stocked! Proof of the popularity of Chocolate for Christmas 2005. At right, J's Windswirl creation incorporated charming faerie elves.


Two examples of the displays that the Flower Design Center creates. These elaborate vignettes leave no doubts in their customer's minds as to how the merchandise goes together to create the big picture in trends.


The display at left shows how chartreuse puts a modern twist on the traditional Christmas red and green. The ceiling lighting is the only clue that these superior displays are in a warehouse! Flower Design Center really shows their customers how good their stores and homes can look - a key to everyone's success!

J created these set pieces with strong traditional Christmas Red, but literally turns the tree at right upside-down for an amazing effect. Note that the tree arrangement is pre-lit - smart and easy!

J had a great time with the entire staff at Flower Design Center.