Susan Clark of Oasis Canada called upon J to do a show in the nation's capitol, Ottawa, for Hoflund's based in Toronto. Knowing Susan, this would definitely be an adventure, but as J would discover things are slightly different in Canada. Like a familiar, alternate universe.


Shortly after arriving at Hoflund's in Toronto, J presented Susan with a bag of the US candy Smarties. In Canada Smarties are like M & M's - but not. More on the candy conundrum later. At right J discovers the exotic fuzzy monkey helaconia - In Canada! Hoflund's has some of the most unusual product of any fresh wholesale operation J has visited.

See... more beautiful product that you may not typically find... it's different in Canada...


Proving different can be good!

But some things seem to be universal - like the appeal of the Chocolate and Blue/Teal combinations this holiday season.

And while you can easily access Antherium, These specimens were at least 6 inches across!! It's different in Canada...and different is good! As you can see, Susan was most amused by our observations, eh?

Even just strolling on the street... the little guy in the walk sign walks more erect in Canada - not as though he has a back problem as in the US. And the Coffee chain of choice is Second Cup - give it a try instead of the old omnipresent standby when you make it to Canada. The Creme Brulee Latte is J's favorite (soooo different!!).

Just try to find an Aero chocolate bar in the US... you can't! This light chocolatey treat does not seem to exist in the US even under a different name! (if you find it let J know - Kel says it reminds him of the old Choco-Lite bar - does anyone know where to get that nowadays?)


Now as promised - explaining the candy conundrum side-by-side. On the left are the Canadian Smarties - on the right US Smarties. Susan was shocked!! How could they BOTH be named smarties and yet exist only miles apart along the longest unguarded International border?? See - it is like an alternate universe...

See!!!! Why is this bag of Smarties called Rockets? It was purchased in... Canada!!! See... it's different in Canada... but the most disturbing difference was yet to come.

By the way, it was a great show - unfortunately the camera ate the pictures Susan and the people at Hoflund's were great fun to work with - J would love to cross back over to this alternate universe whenever they ask!

And check this out - Susan's dad even washed J's car! but wait...

Susan herself also helped!! At no time in the history of J's career in the floral industry has any Oasis sales rep (or ANY sales rep) in the US washed his car in appreciation of a job well done. It is TRULY different in Canada.

A farewell to a fun friend! J can't wait for the next opportunity to work with Susan because as you now know, it's different in Canada and different is good!